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Sixty seconds in the head of Jay Kay

The Face... Who's the second most important musician of the decade?
Jay... The second...? Oh very clever, very funny. Well it is the fucking FACE isn't it?
I don't know... I think Nirvana would be getting there, because they set off ideas which went in such a different way to what had been around. But I've been concentrating so much on doing my own thing that I haven't paid much attention to anything, to be honest.

The Face... Tell us about your thing, then. What's the difference between your new album and the last one?
Jay... This one's got more disco in it, more strings, more... boogie, and it's more relaxed. It got done properly this time.

The last album was a bit rushed. This is what I want us to sound like.

The Face... Although your new material is more sophisticated, it's also very much in keeping with your previous work.

Which means that the critics might bring up those accusations of plagiarism again. Do they bother y...
Jay... That's crap! I don't sound like Stevie Wonder really. I might thing in the same keys as him,

and I like the same melodic patterns, but that doesn't mean I'm plagiarising. I mean, people have got to get real about it.

We (the band) never put old records on and say "OK, we'll copy that bit." But I do want it to sound like the Seventies records I like. I do!

The Face... Who're you going to vote for in the general election?
Jay... Green. If not, New Labour, so long as they don't bring in that 98 percent tax for entertainers.

It'll be tantrums and tiaras with me if they bring that in, mate. It'll fuck us all up.

The Face... Aren't those green politics slightly at odds with your famously large collection of expensive motors cars?
Jay... Well, I do have six cars - I've just bought a Lamborghini. But I don't drive them all at once, and I'm only in the country

for three months in the year. And also when I drive them, I do tend to drive a long, long way.

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