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A quick chat with Jamiroquai
Johannesburg - Jamiroquai will be headlining the first Delicious international food and music festival this weekend.

It's a first for South Africa and will bring world-class culinary talent to the Blue Hills Equestrian Estate, as renowned UK celebrity chefs showcase their signature dishes at their own pop-up restaurants. Supporting the international act for the music section is a host of top

South African artists like Lira, Danny K, Khuli Chana, Prime Circle and Mi Casa. With Jamiroquai's signature mix of funk, jazz,

disco and house and the combination of beautiful sunshine, rolling lawns, delicious food and wine, it is definitely an event to attend.

Jamiroquai is a band on fire - led by Jay Kay, one of the most charismatic frontmen Britain has ever produced,

with a shelf-full of awards, including five MTV gongs to name a few.

The band is currently recording their eighth studio album and promise to treat fans at Delicious to some of their newer, unreleased material.

 Channel24... You are on an international tour, how many of these have you done since you started out?

Jay Kay... I have lost count of the tours to be honest. We tour a lot - at least once around every album and sometimes more,

in the gaps in between. It is a big , perhaps the most important part of what Jamiroquai are about – playing live.

What I haven't done for a while is a prolonged world tour- we used to dothose back in the day but if I spend too much time away

from home I don't like it. Its something experience has taught me so now I do things in bite sized chunks!


Channel24... Have you performed at a food and music festival before, and if so where?

Jay Kay... You know what I don't think we have. I notice there seems to be more and more of these things springing up and

I think it's a good idea. Why should people have to put up with sh*t food at a festival?

Its seems a good thing for great food and great music to go hand in hand.


Channel24... Have you picked out a "special" hat for South Africa?

Jay Kay... I usually bring A LOT of hats with me and then decide on the day so you'll have to wait and see...

Channel24... Will you include any "never heard before" songs in your performances?

Jay Kay... I don't know you know. If I'm fresh off finishing or putting out a new record then I would include some and of course there

will be something from the last album. Like the hat I don't like to make final setlist decision till just before the show.

There will definitely be never before heard arrangements of songs. I like to give the crowd stuff they know but in a fresh way.


Channel24... You are one of Britain's finest ever exports, how does that make you feel?

Jay Kay... Well I feel flattered. Its nice of you to say so and its really nice to be appreciated all around the world

there can be a lot of bullshit in the UK music scene or the media scene anyway and there can be a sense

that people are only interested is what is new - and if you're not new then...whatever.

New stuff is important of course but it feels like a conveyor belt at times and longevity can become undervalued.

Globally it often seems simpler than that - it's more about what is actually good.

If you're good at what you do then there is always an interest there. So if I fall into that category – great!

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